Buying a place to call home can be an exciting and overwhelming experience, particularly in these uncertain times where having a sanctuary to safeguard the welfare of your family is more important than ever before!

Selection criteria that takes into consideration of some Feng Shui principles can help to simplify this process and ensure that your new home is not only a wise investment, but it will also support your health, happiness and prosperity. This free video covers the Top 10 Tips for Home Buyers.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 1hr

Course Instructor

Senior Master Janene Laird Senior Master Janene Laird Author

Practicing since 2003 and trained by three International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) Grand Feng Shui Masters in November 2011 she was conferred the title of Accredited Feng Shui Master (AFSM) by the IFSA and was officially awarded this honor by the Grand Masters of the IFSA Executive Committee at the International Feng Shui Convention (IFSC) in Singapore. Also in 2011 she founded the IFSA Australia Chapter (of which she is President) and later in 2012 launched the online industry magazine – Feng Shui Today.
