Personal BaZi Reading

The Four Pillars (BaZi) system allows us to determine the strengths and weaknesses in our destiny and the Luck Cycles that are encountered over the course of a lifetime. In so doing we can illuminate which cycles are more favorable and which are more difficult. With this information we can then identify potential situations and decide how best to negotiate these periods.  Are they times of growth where we can proceed confidently, or are they more challenging times where we need to show more care, caution and discretion?

Please note that your BaZi birth chart is not computer generated, but rather it is personally researched and prepared by Janene.

Information required prior to Four Pillars Consultation:

  • Year, month, day and time (if known) of birth
  • Country and city/town of birth

A personal Chinese Astrology Consultation consists of:

  1. Your BaZi birth chart
  2. One-hour telephone consultation with Janene

AUD $348


I cannot thank Master Janene enough for her help and advice when it came to Date Selection for the birth of my sons. Harry and Finn were delivered by caesarean due to health reasons, which meant that I could have somewhat of a say as to the time and date of their births.  

Harry is now 22 months old and the most loving, placid, healthy, intelligent little boy.  Finn is only 3 weeks old and is an absolute joy, settling easily into the family dynamics.  I am truly blessed and cannot thank Master Janene enough, as I believe it is because of her help that my children are such happy, healthy and balanced little souls.  She helped to select the most auspicious time and date for their birth and definitely got it right! 

If you would like further insight into your life or that of a family members via Chinese Astrology, then Master Janene is the person for you. She is highly skilled, an excellent communicator and extremely kind and generous with her time. I highly recommend her services – you won’t be disappointed! 

– Kelly Ingram, Albert Park